FILTERS ON PHOTOS …. What are you hiding from?

filters on photos social media

We all use filters for a bit of fun here and there, it’s cute and it’s creative isn’t it? But what if you find yourself filtering every single photo before you share it? Could it be a sign that you’re selling yourself short, are you buying into the rhetoric that says I’m not good enough?

Hear me out here. In a world that values the filter, the Photoshop and the edit, sometimes we need to take a deeper look. What are we hiding behind? What part of us rejects the natural looking photo? I know for me I need to update my business promotional photo and due to COVID I haven’t had the opportunity to do so, as yet, but it’s on my radar. The reason being is, I don’t see the benefit of people looking at a picture and then when they meet me thinking wow she’s aged a lot in the last few years ha ha. I can’t tell you how often I see this with people, and what strikes me the most is the person in the flesh looks amazing just as they are, at the age they are presently at. And sometimes we can’t help this because we put a book out, or have a photo on something that is a lot older.

So for those who are in my age bracket (which is pretty well middle-aged) just remember to embrace it, because many weren’t privileged enough to get to our age. I was blessed with great genes, my dear mum always looked way younger than what she was (unfortunately she passed at age 64, nine years ago), and I was always taught to look after my skin which I do. No I haven’t had any Botox or any other treatments so far, and I probably won’t, but I’m all for everyone doing what they feel the most comfortable with. But I do think at some point we need to come to the realisation that wrinkles are okay! And that extra layer of fat isn’t that bad! We don’t always need the heavy make up or to still apply our make up with the dark eyeliner like we did in the 80s (when we were way younger). I’m laughing as I remember the panda eye look you often woke up with back in those days.

There’s many little tricks on doing hair and make-up that help. But in all honesty, it really is all about your attitude towards it. The essence we contain within us is way more important than the body that we reside in.

So what if you have a few wrinkles? So what if there’s cellulite on your body?

Do these things detract from who you are? NO WAY! The essence of you is original- no one else is you! I think we need to make a stand and not accept the perfect LOOK that the media feed us to believe we need to be….

It’s refreshing to see more companies showing models of all shapes, sizes ,skin colours and ages and I think that’s really fantastic. Keeping it real! Helping us to embrace the narrative that we are all perfect just as we are. I challenge you to take a few minutes each day and look in the mirror and say,‘ I love you exactly as you are’. This is one of the most powerful takeaways I can give you! So of course here it is…. it costs you nothing but a few minutes a day…. be brave challenge yourself!

Below is how to make this a daily practice. Enjoy, embrace and for goodness sake, stop hiding behind filters!


A great way to remember to do this is get a coloured sharpie whiteboard marker and put a smiley face on the mirror you use to brush your teeth. This is your visual reminder to do your mirror exercise. Then take a moment either morning or night to look yourself in the eyes and repeat ‘I love and accept myself’. At first this can be hard and anything that comes up for you is ok (you might feel emotion and sometimes resistance) but just be in allowance of these feelings and keep going.

This exercise is such a powerful one and that’s why I was drawn to share this as a way for you to be empowered in this new year.

Do this for six weeks and watch the changes that transpire!

You will find that negative voice (in your head) starts to subside, you will say no more to what doesn’t work for you, and you will find your confidence will be boosted a lot.

